Monday, September 14, 2009

What is Facebook Lite?

  Facebook announced a new service called Facebook Lite. These services are a simple form of the commonly used Facebook.

Despite its ability simplified, but Facebook Lite has an unusual ability compared with the previous Facebook.

Address at This service was first launched in the United States and India. However, users in Indonesia can also take advantage of this site, even without the additional functions the Indonesian language. At the start screen when going into the Facebook Lite, the change was visible.

There are images inserted air balloon logo 'F' Facebook, which may be a trade mark Lite Facebook later. Once entered into the Facebook Lite, you may not be too shocked and still familiar with this brand-new service display with the usual Facebook.

For example, the front page which is still visible profile and inbox feature that is placed on the top line. Most recently, the feature events, which are not pinned on Facebook Full in the top row.

Continuing to the bottom, this would be a main menu on Facebook Lite, you'll see a clean look, even arguably very clear of Facebook features that previously filled.

In this main line, you just presented full status and activities conducted by the Facebook account of our other friends. This, of course, makes playing in the status becomes more familar.

View this course in accordance with the purpose Zuckbereg Mark besuatan site, which is basically a streamlined 'feed' version that functions as a stream update. Moreover, if you see how it looks, Facebook Lite is similar to the Twitter service.

Where there is a linear stream Facebook friend status updates that dominate the page. This further strengthens the competition between Twitter with Facebook. In addition to updating the feature of interest, other features remain presented by Facebook to the lure Facebook Lite.

Among presented a feature to upload photos and video. Display notification is also interesting, is not present in the lower right but appears in the upper right. With a special page that presented, would be a bit confusing at the beginning-the beginning. But eventually, users will be familiar with this new service.

Because of its simplified in order to cut the bandwidth used, of course there are some features that should be eliminated. The most feature was of course chat with fellow Facebook users, who actually also a mainstay feature.

The loss of this chat feature is very regrettable, because it features the usual ads appear on the right side remained there, while display ads annoying enough on the Facebook site full version.

Here are a few that were presented at aplikiasi Facebook Lite:
1. Update status
2. Upload photos and videos
3. Notification
4. People You May Know
5. Creative event

Some applications are eliminated include:
1. Chat feature
2. Notes
3. Upload link in the status

However, these features will likely still changing. This is because Facebook continue to develop in order to bring satisfaction and convenience for the users who use it.

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