Monday, October 26, 2009

40 Years of Internet

SAN FRANCISCO - Forty years ago, Leonard Kleinrock never imagined "explosion" Facebook, Twitter, or YouTube. At that time, he and his team had "given birth" what is later called the Internet.

"We were very surprised with the variety of emerging applications," said Kleinrock. He and his colleagues from the University of California Los Angeles (UCLA) to prepare a birthday celebration to the Internet 40, Thursday (29/10).

"The Internet has become a teenager now. He had learned something, but still must continue to learn, "he said in San Francisco, Saturday (24/10).

On October 29, 1969, Kleinrock led a team which can make a computer "talk" with others in the research section.

Kleinrock driven by the belief that computers are designed to be able to talk to one another to produce a simple network, such as the use of the phone.

Key in the exchange of data between one computer and another computer is to solve the digital code and make it as separate packages.

He has outlined his vision in his master's dissertation, and even publish in a book. "However, no one cares, especially AT & T," Kleinrock said.

Supported military

AT & T is the company's telephone service providers, both local and long distance calls in the U.S. the largest. "I do presentations, but they say that the idea will not be realized. In fact, if it can happen, they do not want to do anything, "he said.

However, AT & T provides a path that connects the computer to the ARPANET. This is a project supported by the U.S. military.

Experiment fails to connect initially ARPANET. Kleinrock team tries to send data between computers on the ARPANET and successful. A total of two computers at two other universities are also connected at the end of 1969. This is the initial impression of the growing Internet.

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