Saturday, December 19, 2009

Easy Empty the Recycle Bin

Recycle Bin is a "garbage can" contain temporary files that have been deleted. This trash can has existed since Windows 95 to Windows 7.

To empty "the trash" is, usually you must right-click the Recycle Bin icon and selecting "Empty Recycle Bin". If this was too much trouble, try the following trick.

1. Open the Registry Editor by clicking "Start", then type "regedit".
2. Click "HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT-*--shellex ContextMenuHandlers".
3. Right-click the key "ContextMenuHandlers", then select "New> Key" in the menu that appears.
4. Rename the new key to "(645FF040-5081-101B-9F08-00AA002F954E)".
5. Close the Registry Editor.
6. Now, right-click on any file. A new sub menu Empty Recycle Bin will appear. Just click the menu to clean up garbage to landfills.

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