Thursday, December 31, 2009

Playing with 3D in Photoshop

Adobe Photoshop can be used not only to manipulate photos or images. In CS4 Extended editions, this application also provides facility to create three-dimensional images (3D). Although simple, the result is quite beautiful and practical use.

Some form of ready-made 3D, starting from the form of boxes, balls, donuts, even can you can use. Just choose the image, click a few options, 3D images can be instantly created.

For example, I will invite you make a marble tiles (marble). Changing the texture of ceramic into a ball you can do with little steps.

It's ready to try? Let us start!

1. Create a new image document. The size and resolution-free. If you later want to print, choose a resolution of 300 pixels / inch. If so, prepare a photo or image texture will be applied to the 3D image.

2. I get this marble texture images from the Internet. With him, I will make a marble from the marble. Enter the drawing by clicking [File]> [Place ...]. Find and select the image that is used, then click [Place].

3. After the picture comes in, press [Enter]. 3D shape options available in the [3D]> [New Shape From Layer]. Here is some form of 3D that can be used directly, starting form the cube, ball, until the can of soda.

4. To conjure the image texture of marble into a marble ball, click [3D]> [New Shape From Layer]> [Sphere]. Wait a while until the drawing ball textured 3D images of your choice appears.

5. Now two 3D tools in the toolbox can be used already. To process the image, use the tool in the ranks of "3D Rotate Tool". This feature consists of five tools, the 3D Rotate Tool (serves to rotate the 3D shape in all directions), 3D Roll Tool (rotate 3D shapes in a single direction), 3D Pan Tool (change or shift the position of 3D), 3D Slide Tool ( change the position and size of 3D shapes), and 3D Scale Tool (change the size of the 3D shape).

6. In order to appear more realistic, set lighting 3D shapes you create. Take advantage of 3D panel to manage the image. To bring it up, click [Window]> [3D]. To add light effects, click the tab [Filter: By Lights] berikon bulb.

7. There are three types of lighting provided, namely Point, Spot, and Infinite. Usually, the lighting by default is Infinite. Now, to create new lighting, click the button on the sheet berikon panel "3D", then select the type of lighting needed.

8. A new light layer will appear. Click the new layer, and set the intensity of the lighting via the "Intensity". You can set the fall of light using an existing tool in the Properties panel layers of light.

TIPS: More Realistic More Better
Reflection can be engineered bounce back so that it looks more realistic. Change the 3D layer into the image by right-clicking the layer in the panel "Layers", then select [Rasterize]. Duplicate the layer containing the 3D images by clicking on the layer "Background", then press the [Ctrl] + [J]. Click [OK] in the notification box that appears.

Because the condition is always inverted reflection of the position of the main image, you must rotate. Click the layer duplication, and then click [Edit]> [transform]> [Flip Vertical]. If the image requested to be changed into "Smart Layer", just click [Yes]. Duplicate layer will be reversed vertically. Change the layer blending mode-through via the drop-down menu on the Layer dialog box, the [Multiply]. Shear layer until the reflections are just below the main object.

Reflection will not bring the main object intact. Generally, there are gradations in the reflection impression. To make it, use the gradient tool facilities. First, create a first mask layer by clicking layer duplication, then click on [Layer]> [Layer Mask]> [Reveal All].

Once formed layer mask, click [Gradient Tool]. Make sure the color is selected in the two boxes and color-foreground-background color is black and white. Choose mode [Black to Transparant] on the menu "Gradient Editor" on the top, then use the gradient type [Linear].

Click drag the gradient tool from the bottom up on the layer mask on the duplicated layer to a position near the main object image. Look, now the object on the layer duplication seemed vague. So not too sharp, a little lower layer opacity value duplication.

Make a shadow fell below marbles using [Elliptical Marquee Tool]. Make an oval in a new layer below the layer marbles, black color, then give the filter [filter]> [Blur]> [Motion Blur]. Select the "Angle" 0 degrees, then the value of "Distance" maximum. Click [OK]. See the results.

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