We have a lot of online shopping store with a collection of quality goods and more affordable price. This is very pampering you who do not have the time to the shopping center to shop.
If you do shopping online, not only for goods and price alone, because that is not less important is the safety aspect. In order to do online shopping is safe, follow the following trick:
1. Select a site or pages of a reputable shopping
Shop at the page that has a good reputation, you can find out by asking a friend or saw it on the internet. Read and make sure there is customer privacy protection policies. If there is no such policy, you risk data are sold or used by irresponsible parties.
2. Use name and password
Create e-mail address specifically to shop online. Do not use e-mail address you normally use to work, connect with friends and family or social networking pages. This was to avoid, crime internet using your personal data.
3. Do not share a computer
Try not to shop using the computers used by many people. The best computer for online shopping is your personal computer. That's because personal computers more secure protection from viruses, spyware, and firewall protection there.
If you use your computer to shop, also used by another person, the risks are high enough spy software. Your personal data relating primarily to finance the payment transaction can be stolen.
4. Be careful when entering data
Pages are reputable shop will not send e-mail or pop-up display, to ask you to confirm that the account has been created, with the log in the display. If you get an e-mail that asks you to click on a link to confirm, no problem.
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