BChunk is command line based utility that lets you convert the file. Bin into the format. Iso. This conversion results will then be accessible as a virtual drive in Windows. To access the Bchunk, type the command:
sudo apt-get install bchunk
To perform the conversion of the file. Cue and. Bin, go to the folder where you save the file, then run the command:
bchunk inputfilename.bin inputfilename.cue outputfilename.iso
Once the file is converted to ISO, you can mount the Ubuntu with the command:
sudo mount-o loop outputfilename.iso / media / output
Go to the folder / media / output to view the content of his files. You can process that file and copy it to anywhere.
To unmount, type the command:
sudo umount / media / output
Note: If the bin file has an audio track, audio tracks will be lost.
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