Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Virtual Drive in Ubuntu

BChunk is command line based utility that lets you convert the file. Bin into the format. Iso. This conversion results will then be accessible as a virtual drive in Windows. To access the Bchunk, type the command:
sudo apt-get install bchunk

To perform the conversion of the file. Cue and. Bin, go to the folder where you save the file, then run the command:
bchunk inputfilename.bin inputfilename.cue outputfilename.iso

Once the file is converted to ISO, you can mount the Ubuntu with the command:
sudo mount-o loop outputfilename.iso / media / output

Go to the folder / media / output to view the content of his files. You can process that file and copy it to anywhere.

To unmount, type the command:
sudo umount / media / output

Note: If the bin file has an audio track, audio tracks will be lost.

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