Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Show Message Log On

Computer that used many user with Windows operating system vulnerable to many distractions. As a strategic steps, we may block certain features, whether by editors or the security policy registry. But keep in mind, as smart-smart cops, the thieves are often better at it.

To provide "psychological effect" on the hands of these ignorant, is useful to display a special message when a user is logged on. Such messages could be a warning of sanctions if desperate to break your system or contain "something" that reminds users.

With a few clicks on the Local Security Policy, you can display a message like that mentioned above. Following details the steps:

1 Click the Start button, then type secpol.msc in the search field and press Enter.
2 After the Local Security Policy window opens, go to Local Policies and select Security Options.
3 Find the policy Interactive logon: Message title for users Attempting to log on. Right click and select Properties.
4 In the Local Security Settings tab, type the title you want to use on your message and click OK.
5 Now, look for policy Interactive logon: Message text for users Attempting to log on, right click and select Properties.
6 Type your message in the Local Security Settings tab and click OK.
Close the Local Security Policy editor, and then restart the PC to see the changes.

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