Monday, November 2, 2009

Dismantling Secret in Winamp

In addition to plug-in, Winamp also has a few secrets, such as "Easter eggs". The term "Easter eggs" that refers to the hidden features in a program. Immediately, we see that hidden owned by plug-ins Nullsoft NSV Decoder in Winamp. Here's how:

1. Run your Winamp.
2. Click the [Options]> [Preferences ...] or press [Ctrl] + [P].
3. In the window "Winamp Preferences", click the [Plug-ins]> [Input].
4. In the window "Input plug-ins" select [Nullsoft NSV Decoder v1.04] then click [About] located at the bottom. Appear window "About ...".
5. Then, double click on the llama picture window. Figure llama will turn into writing "Nullsoft NSV present you play hidden party ...".
6. Double-click the image again to display the images of fire, water, and other

There are more plug-ins that can be played, ie Nullsoft Vorbis Decoder v1.35.
1. Select the plug-in, then press the [About]. In the window "About ..." is a picture yellow fish and a bright blue icon.

2. Click once on the picture. The fish will turn to the right. Then click once again by right click, then the fish will turn to the left. If you continue to click on the fish, the fish will turn quickly and a new information will appear in the form of fish rotational speed in units of RPM. Uh, there is also the fastest record you've ever made.

Eits, Easter egg is not just that alone, there's more. Here's how to bring other Easter eggs.
1. Right click on the Winamp window.
2. Select [Nulsoft Winamp Pro].
3. When the window "About Winamp" open, you'll see the silhouette image as a horse with the words "WinAmp" and move the zoom-in and zoom-out.
4. Now hold down the [Ctrl] on your keyboard and then double-click on the image area. Comes a small image saying "DJ Egg" with a picture of a white egg in the middle.
5. Return the original image by double clicking again.
6. Now hold down the [Shift] and then double-click again in the area of moving images. Believe me, the image that contains the words "supplied" and "cracked".

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