Monday, November 2, 2009

Control Winamp From Tray

There are ways that we can control Winamp without opening windows. So, if we want to move to the next song when you're browsing, we live point the mouse pointer to the system tray, click there, then move the song.

Well, for that what if the Winamp control buttons such as [Play], [Pause], [Next Track], and the other Winamp button to move to the system tray? Winamp control buttons so that may arise in the system tray, do these steps:

1. Open Winamp.
2. Press [Ctrl] + [P] to open the window "Preferences".
3. Going to the [Plug-ins]> [General Purpose].
4. Select [Nulsoft Tray Control] and click [Configure selected plug-ins].
5. In the window that appears there is a choice [Previous Track], [Play / Pause], [Stop], [Next Track], and [Open File]. Tick all the options and click [OK].
6. After that look at the system tray. Comes five Winamp control buttons had been selected. From now on, Winamp can be controlled from the system tray.

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